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Offre de stage (CLOSED)

Super-sampling for fast rendering of video games

Abstract. The goal of this intership is to study and implement super-sampling methods for high resolution rendering of video games.

Supervision. The intern will be supervised by aresearch engineer from Ubisoft La Forge located in Bordeaux.


Nowadays, video games require both high image quality and high frame rate. Today’s standards are ultra high-definition 4K (4096×2160) with a frame rate of 60 FPS. Going from HD resolution (1920×1080) at 30 FPS to 4K at 60 FPS requires at least 8 times more ressources. In another hand, the Moore’s law is not true anymore and many users don’t have latest hardware. In this context, solutions based on super-resolution have been proposed to display at lower cost ultra HD images generated from lower resolution images:

  1. The FSR technology from AMR which is a super-sampling method using signal processing tools ;
  2. The DLSS technology from Nvidia which is a super-sampling method using deep learning.

Both methods increase performances up to 200%. However, visual results can be hard to evaluate and can be very different depending on the game.

On the other hand, super-sampling is a hot topic from the scientific literature, although these approaches are not always suited for real-time or memory constraints that arise from the video game rendering.

This internship aim at exploring the literature in order to bring inovation for enhancing game rendering with super-sampling.